Lala Ancila Diagne

Senegal (FR)

Je m'appelle Lala Ancila Diagne, je suis sociologue et créatrice de la marque Shariza. Shariza est une marque qui recycle principalement de vieux vêtements en les personnalisant. En mars 2020, j'ai lancé une nouvelle ligne de sandales fabriquées à partir de vieux jeans. Très vite, ce produit a plu au public. Ainsi, je le vends déjà sur le marché international.

Together let’s be creative

Apply as an upcycling designer or as a craftsman and become part of Design Up!

From the Design Up community

„Upcycling is an important pillar in establishing a circular economy. In the Global South in particular, it contributes to the preservation of traditional handicrafts, to an increase in the quality of life and creates prospects for young people.“

Selly Wane, project manager

About Design Up

With the upcycling project Design Up, we bring together creators from Germany and Senegal who develop and design collections in tandem.